1 FriXion Erasable Pens Review and Coupon

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FriXion Erasable Pens Review and Coupon

I was recently offered some FriXion erasable gel pens from Pilot to review. The first thing I thought of was the erasable pens from when I was a kid. Who remembers those?

The ink smudged, and if you did try to erase with them, you mostly just smeared ink across the page. If you tried a little harder to erase, you probably made a hole in your paper.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that this is NOT the case with the new FriXion erasable pens. They write like a regular pen, and when you need to erase, they erase completely with no smudges and no damage to your paper—very cool!

Pilot also makes FriXion erasable highlighters. Again, they’re just like a regular highlighter, but they do erase cleanly—nice!

If you’d like to give them a try, .


Disclosure: I received FriXion pens and highlighters courtesy of SheSpeaks.com for the purposes of this review. All opinions are my own.

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