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Join MomsWhoSave on Pinterest

So, I don't know if I need another site taking up more of my time online, but it's too late now! MomsWhoSave is on Pinterest. Look for MomsWhoSave or click here.

If you're not familiar with it, Pinterest calls itself a "virtual pinboard," and it is. Save great decorating, project, and craft ideas, photos, quotes, recipes, and more in one place--anything you find online can be "pinned" on Pinterest. You can follow people with similar tastes or interests and/or "repin" things of theirs you like onto your board.

I just kind of jumped in without knowing what I was doing, but it's not hard to figure out. If you aren't on the site, start following some (or all) of your Facebook or Twitter friends, and "repin" some of the things you like from their boards. One thing will lead to another, and soon you'll be addicted!

Some of my categories include: Projects (both home improvements and crafty stuff), Recipes, Travel, Quotes, Bible Verses, and Love These (for some fun stuff that's hard to categorize any other way). You can create categories for anything.

Pinterest is a great way to see and share things you might have otherwise bookmarked and forgotten. I think you'll love it!

If you're on Pinterest, leave your link in the comments below, and we can all find some new people to follow! 

For great bargains every day, including freebies and printable grocery coupons, check out my main deals page at MomsWhoSave.com 

You can also join me on Facebook and on Twitter.

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Taylor said...

Love Pinterest! You can find mine at: http://pinterest.com/taterbugtaylor

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