1 My Review Plus Two Weeks FREE at Ancestry.com AND 30% Off Family Tree Maker

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My Review Plus Two Weeks FREE at Ancestry.com AND 30% Off Family Tree Maker

Ancestry.com free trial - Who Do You Think You Are For anyone interested in their family history or fans of the show Who do You Think You Are?, I want to let you know about a great offer from Ancestry.com.

If you watch Who do You Think You Are?, you know they mention Ancestry.com often and use the records on the site to find information about the ancestors of the celebrities who appear on the show.

Right now you can get full access to Ancestry.com for two weeks completely FREE. I took advantage of this offer, and was very happy with the information I was able to find. I located handwritten census records well over 100 years old, county records and maps showing land that my relatives owned, marriage, birth, and death records, military records, and more.

You will have to do some digging on the site, but what's nice is that once you find a piece of information, you get suggestions linking you to other records that may be related.

You'll also be directed to distant relative's family trees if there are names in common saving you some work. I found a couple of these in my case, and one of them went back to the 1700s and included photos. That was a great find!

Everyone will find something different on Ancestry.com, obviously, but I think it's worth a look, especially since it's free!

You will have to provide a credit card to use this free trial, but mark your calendar and cancel before the two-week mark, and you will not be charged. At sign-up, you can also choose monthly, rather than six-month billing if you want to be extra cautious and are worried about forgetting to cancel in time. That way if you were to forget, you would only be billed for one month. This way too, if you like the service, and do want to use it a little longer, you will just be charged for the month, and can cancel before a second month is charged.
Ancestry.com free trial and discount on Family Tree maker
(Click to enlarge.) My great-grandfather's handwritten military registration card. The left corner says: "If person is of African descent, tear off this corner." (Obviously the military was segregated at this time.)



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