1 October 2008

MomsWhoSave Blog - Reviews, Deals, Giveaways, DIY, and More!

Please Update Your Links to MomsWhoSave.

MomsWhoSave is now at http://MomsWhoSave.com. Please update your links.

All new posts are there, and all the old posts have been moved too!

We don't want you to miss anything! Thanks.

New site design at MomsWhoSave.com & we're now on twitter!

You can now follow MomsWhoSave.com on twitter. You don't have to have your own account, but you can visit us here to see even more deals than we have on the website. There are updates at least a few times each day--almost 2,500 offers so far!

This is where we'll list computer and electronics offers, short-term deals, travel sales, and printable coupons, along with our regular offers. We'll also offer deals that we just don't have room for on the website.

We have also redesigned MomsWhoSave and will show our best deals on the homepage every day. For more offers, visit our twitter updates. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for even more deals delivered to your inbox. You can subscribe from our MomsWhoSave homepage or click here.

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