1 Cell Phones for Soldiers - Donate Your Old Phones for a Great Cause!

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Cell Phones for Soldiers - Donate Your Old Phones for a Great Cause!

If you're like most people, you've owned more than a few cell phones in your lifetime. When you've finished with them, you probably know it's best to recycle them, and here's a great way to do it -- Cell phones for Soldiers.

They'll recycle your phone and use the money to buy prepaid calling cards for soldiers overseas. What a great gift for military men and women so far away from their families!

According to their website, "Cell Phones for Soldiers was founded by teenagers Robbie and Brittany Bergquist from Norwell, Mass., with $21 of their own money. Since then, the registered 501c3 non-profit organization has raised over $7 million dollars, provided over 114 million minutes of free talk time to soldiers, and recycled over 8.3 million cellphones."

It couldn't be any easier to recycle your phone with this program. Click on the link that says "Donate a gently used phone." You'll be able to print a postage-paid label to mail in your old phone or find a drop off location near you. Cell phones for Soldiers will handle the rest.

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