1 Try on New Hairstyles and Colors "Virtually" -- It's Free!

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Try on New Hairstyles and Colors "Virtually" -- It's Free!

Hairstyles, Celebrity Hair Styles and Haircuts | TheHairStyler.com. Try our new Virtual HairStyler: FREE for a limited time!

I fou
nd out recently that the website, The Hairstyler, is now free! They still have a paid option, but their free service, allows you to "try on" new hair colors and styles. There are other features on the site, but this is the service I like best.

I found it
a little tricky to find where I should add my photo so I could see the hairstyles on myself. You'll find this under the tab at the top that says "Makeover." Then click "Virtual Hairstyler" to upload your own photo. Below the photo, you'll find controls to resize and rotate your photo if needed.

Next, I clicked the "Navigator" tab on the box on the right sidebar to choose from various styles. I found I had to look around a bit to get used to the menus on this site, but for a free site, it's fun to play with new hairstyles and colors without the commitment of doing it "for real."

If you're thinking about a change, give The Hairstyler a try.

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