1 5 Will Drive -- Parents, Could You Teach 5 Teens to Drive?

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5 Will Drive -- Parents, Could You Teach 5 Teens to Drive?

If you have a teenager like I do, you know how much they look forward to learning to drive and getting their license. It's a fun and exciting time for them, but it can be more than a little stressful for parents.

5 Will Drive -- Parents, Could You Teach 5 Teens to Drive?State Farm's new blog 5WillDrive.com is a great new resource for teens learning to drive and their parents. The blog follows the Jansen family and their quintuplets through their journey in teaching all five of them how to drive. Yes, this family has five children learning to drive at the same time. For those of you who taught one child at a time or are teaching a child now, you know how daunting this sounds. We should consider ourselves lucky!

On 5WillDrive.com, you'll find useful safety tips, fun information, and you can keep up with the Jansen quintuplets on their road to becoming licensed drivers.

You'll also want to check out this video. I think you'll recognize yourself and your teenager in the Jansens. I know I could relate to these parents, and if you've got teenagers, I bet you can too.


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Disclosure: This post contains sponsored content from Viral Gains, Inc. via Sverve. As always, all opinions are my own. See full disclosure policy here.  

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Mama.Mommy.Mom. said...

What a great resource! The thought of my daughter starting to drive scares the crap out of me! I can't even imagine having 5 learning at once. Oy!

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

5 Will Drive sounds like a really cool and particularly useful resource for parents. I personally have always thought that 16 (and in some places as young as 14) was way too young for the responsibility of learning how to drive. Teenagers are responsible for a very large portion of car accidents and, in the worst case scenarios, if they were to kill someone while driving, responsibility would fall to the parent of that teenager. Their actions are not their own until they are 18, which sounds like a much more reasonable age to begin driving in my book.

Melissa said...

My kids are far from the driving age, but I couldn't imagine 5 at once!

The Pajama Mama said...

This is a great resource! Like everything in their life, I can't imagine teaching 5 children to drive. My goodness...

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