1 Two DIY Sea Shell Crafts -- a Beach Treasures Keepsake & a Ring Holder

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Two DIY Sea Shell Crafts -- a Beach Treasures Keepsake & a Ring Holder

Beach Treasures DIY Keepsake at MomsWhoSave.comMy family loves the beach, and we always come home with lots of shells.

I recently had an article published on Parade magazine's website about a simple craft idea using sea shells and other treasures you might have brought home from the beach. This is a great project to do with your kids too. You can check it out here.

Another very simple idea for shells is this little ring or earring dish/holder I recently made from a medium-size shell.

This is a very easy project. Just make sure the shell is clean, lay it out on newspaper and spray paint it on both sides with metallic paint. (It may take several coats.) I used a shiny silver. Gold would also look wonderful, but you could really use any color.

If you have a pretty shell you don't want to cover up with paint, you could also just use a sealer to coat both sides, and let the color show through.

You might want to attach some felt pieces on the bottom of the shell if it sits on a bathroom counter or somewhere it may get wet. I don't think the paint will wear off, but you may not want it to sit in water over time.

And if these aren't enough, I've got another DIY sea shell idea coming soon!

Sea Shell Ring Holder at MomsWhoSave.com


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Antionette Blake said...

Great DIYs and congrats on being published in +Parade magazine. Thank you for linking up with us @ the #WWDParty - have a wonderful weekend.

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