1 Postcrossing: Free, Fun, and Educational!

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Postcrossing: Free, Fun, and Educational!

I have “tweeted” about this site on twitter, but wanted to tell you more than 140 characters will allow. Postcrossing.com is one of my favorite websites, and I think there are lots of you who would love it too!

The idea is a little like having a penpal, but you have lots of them, and they’re from all over the world. Another difference is that you don't exchange long letters, you exchange postcards.

You start by registering on the site—and did I mention it’s free? Then you request the name and address of another Postcrossing member. Since everyone fills out a short biography, you get to see a little bit of information about who you’re mailing your postcard to. I try to send something I think they would like or something the person has mentioned they have an interest in.

Postcrossing’s site then tracks your postcard and lets you know when it’s been received (the receiver logs in to let them know). When you log in, you’ll even see on a world map how far your card has travelled, and how long it took to reach its destination.

Once you start sending postcards, you’ll start receiving them too since other Postcrossers will get your name. I’ve received cards from Finland, Germany, China, and Italy so far.

Some members scan all of their cards and have them online for everyone to see. I haven’t done that, but I have gotten some interesting cards and learned a little about the cities of the people who’ve written to me.

I think this would be a great project for homeschoolers, for a teacher to do with a class, or for anyone with an interest in other cultures.

There’s also a discussion forum for members on the site.

And, if you’re wondering, the members all read and write English, so it’s very easy for us in the U.S. to participate.

I can’t recommend Postcrossing highly enough. Try it, and let me know what you think.

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