1 Swap Your Goods and Services - That's Really Saving!

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Swap Your Goods and Services - That's Really Saving!

I don't think there's anyone reading this who hasn't heard of ebay, and almost all of you probably know about craigslist too. What those two sites have in common is that people are buying and selling goods and services.

I want to tell you about a few sites where you can get the goods and services you need through bartering or swapping what you have without exchanging any money.

Two people I follow on twitter, @missmanage and @common_cents, (for those of you on twitter) get credit for giving me the names of three out of four of these sites that can help you barter for goods and services. (I realized I actually belonged to one of them already!)

They're all a little different, and I encourage you to do your homework before getting involved in any transaction, just as you would on ebay or craigslist, but these can be a great resource when money is tight.

If you don't think you have services to offer, browse the sites and see what other people have listed. There are offers for, and people looking for, resume writers, dog walkers, laborers, caterers, web designers, landscapers, artists, housesitters--almost anything you can think of.

Check out these sites:


Already belong to any of these? How has your experience been? Leave a comment and let me know.

For great deals every day, make sure you visit MomsWhoSave.com and check my twitter updates.

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